You can click on the link below to access the CDC web site to learn more about the immunizations given in our office.
You can also visit for a wealth of information from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
First visit
2 weeks physical
2 month physical
4 month physical
6 month physical
9 month physical
12 month physical
15/18 month physical
2 year physical
4 year physical
10/11 year physical
16 year physical
Hepatitis B if not given in the hospital
No vaccines due. Repeat Newborn Screen
Rotavirus (oral), Prevnar (PCV 13), Hepatitis B, Pentacel
Rotavirus (oral), Prevnar (PCV 13), Pentacel
Rotavirus (oral), Prevnar (PCV 13), Hepatitis B, Pentacel
No vaccines due
MMR , Prevnar (PCV-13), Hepatitis A. Anemia & lead screen
DTaP, Hib, Varicella, Hepatitis A
Anemia & lead screen. PPD.
MMR, DTaP, Polio, Varicella
Tdap, HPV, MCV
MCV, Meningitis B
Below are combination vaccines (i.e. 1 shot with multiple vaccines) | |
MMR | Measles, Mumps, Rubella |
DTaP | Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertusiss |
Pentacel | Hib, DTaP, polio |
TdaP | Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis |
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